Hold My Hand

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” - Isaiah 43:2
One of my mentors told me a truly sound reality. And that is - sometimes you have to go through pain to get to the beauty. I’ve passed through dark tunnels that had no light in sight for long periods of time. I’ve realized that when you’re going through something like this, dying to the flesh becomes so real. In my experience, dying to the flesh meant letting go of my idea of what is perfect and what works. On a deeper level, it meant letting go of the identities the world and my pride have somehow silently created in the very center of my soul. Ultimately, it meant letting go of my idols. Idols are the things that pass away, take the place of God and prevent Him from freeing us from the destructive consequences they bring.

Letting go is not easy. It can be painful. However, the beautiful part of this process is having the Holy Spirit as my all in all. In my experience, having a relationship with Him meant allowing Him to work in my heart while I go through this inevitable process. It meant relying on God’s sovereignty, love, wisdom, and the Holy Spirit’s enablement to carry me through every season of uncertainty. It meant holding His hand instead of the world’s hand. It meant making His Word the center and anchor of my soul.

By relying on the Holy Spirit as my Comforter and Helper, only then am I able to see things for what they are and not for what I thought they were; only then am I able to see what truly matters; only then am I able to experience the beauty. And this beauty is our infinite God Himself and the display of His glory.
Takot ka ba sa kinakaharap mo ngayon, kapatid? Get to know the Holy Spirit and nurture your relationship with Him through prayer, worship, and devotion. Involve Him in every area of your life. Siya ang siguradong kasama mo sa lahat ng bagyo ng buhay.

Heavenly Father, I am imperfect and still learning Your ways. I am amazed at how far I’ve come walking with you but extremely humbled knowing that I cannot live without You. Father, forgive me for the times I trusted in my own understanding. Help my unbelief. I need You to empower me in ways that surpass my understanding. I want to be aligned to Your will and the plans you have for me here on earth. Thank you for Your consistent and unconditional love that continues to become my source of strength. I pray that I grow in my faith relying in You as I pass through waters and walk through fire knowing that You are the stronghold of my life. In Jesus’ Name, amen.