Holy Spirit, My Helper

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. - John 14:26 ESV

Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to do? You’re either confused with options, or just don’t know what the next step is? Or have you been in a situation where you don’t know how to react or what to say? Maybe you have been in a situation where you need to decide on the right thing to do, how did you make a decision?

There was a time when I had to do a presentation to the CEO about the evaluation of the teams and the processes of the company. I was so nervous walking into that meeting. Before starting my presentation, I whispered under my breath, “Come Holy Spirit,”  and the fear was gone and I was able to present confidently. The reaction wasn’t very good because I was talking about the problems of the team, but the peace of God just washed over me, securing me and guiding me in what I was saying.

In John 14:26, it says that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, is sent by the Father and will teach us all things and bring into remembrance Jesus’ teachings. The great news is that the Father gave us a Helper - the Holy Spirit! The word Helper describing the Holy Spirit in the verse is paraklētos in Greek which means, “the one who walks alongside.” How blessed we are to have the Spirit of God walking with us! He is here to guide us and teach us, we just need to ask Him to come and listen to Him. It takes humility and dependence on God to ask help from the Holy Spirit.

If the Holy Spirit is here to walk with us, the question is - are we walking with Him? Are we asking Him for help, for direction, for guidance, for wisdom, for what to say… or are we walking on our own?

The Lord loves us so much and He wants to walk with us! He is Emmanuel, God with us!
The Holy Spirit is here and He wants to help us and teach us. Ask Him to come in the morning when you wake up, in the evening when you close your eyes to sleep. Ask Him to come on your way to school or to work, in your day to day activities, in difficult situations, in moments of confusion or fear. Ask Him and He will come, and He will teach you all things.

Lord, I thank You for the Holy Spirit! Thank you for giving me someone who is always available to guide me and teach me. I ask for You to come, Holy Spirit, and teach me what to do, what to say or what to choose. Give me wisdom and guidance at work, in school, in my family, in my relationships, in my ministry, in reaching out to others and discipling people. This I pray in Jesus Name, Amen.