Stones Along the Road

36 As he rode along, the crowds spread out their garments on the road ahead of him. 37 When he reached the place where the road started down the Mount of Olives, all of his followers began to shout and sing as they walked along, praising God for all the wonderful miracles they had seen. 38 “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the LORD! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!” 39 But some of the Pharisees among the crowd said, “Teacher, rebuke your followers for saying things like that!” 40 He replied, “If they kept quiet, the stones along the road would burst into cheers!” Luke 19:36-40

In verse 36, we see that the people honored the Lord with their clothing (garments), that is, with whatever they had. No matter how poor a man is, he at least has some clothing with which to cover himself. We need to honor the Lord, King Jesus, with whatever we are. No matter what our condition may be, we have something with which to honor Him; most likely the garments laid were not fine linen nor expensive, but they laid down at the feet of Jesus all they had in reverence and respect to his coming and entering to their city. The Lord is always honored and moved by what we offer as worship. 
In the following verses, we see how they worshiped Jesus because of all the wonderful miracles they saw Him do. He did these miracles before, and He can do it again; He did it yesterday, and He can even do more tomorrow! The people worshiped Him saying, “Blessings on the King who comes in the name of the LORD! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!” Sounding similar to the songs we use during our Services that bring a pleasing aroma as he is glorified on His throne. Unfortunately, just like our generation today, there will always be people like the Pharisees or even situations trying to stop and hinder us from giving praises to our King; Jesus had the best reply to their nonsense, that if these people kept quiet and stopped singing, the stones on the road (non-living things) would burst into cheers, worshiping Him! To cut to the chase, nothing and no one will ever be able to stop the worship and praise our Jesus deserves. Even the stones along the road won’t be able to help themselves but worship their Creator.

Reality? We sometimes are our own hindrance, and today’s reminder is: “Don’t be like the Pharisees.” BE WHO YOU ARE, A CREATION OF GOD, WORSHIPING HIM EVEN OTHERS WON’T WORSHIP. Laying down your garments, everything you have to offer at the feet of Jesus; nothing is either big or small in His eyes, what matters most is a heart that is surrendered, broken, and all-out in reverence to Him.
Lord Jesus, I commit to you my days, open my heart to worship you in all that I do. I surrender my life to you and everything I am and have as worship, I desire to live for you because you died for me. Thank you for giving me life today and may I use every moment to bring you glory, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.